General questions
Yes, we are always available to load into your open-bed truck and/or trailer. We sell bulk products in 1 yard, 1/2 yard and 1/4 yard denominations.  If it's raining, please call first to see if the bins are closed. When you arrive, park and go into the barn and we will take your order for bulk products. After you pay, if you are getting dirt or mulch, please drive between the buildings, behind the barn and park with the nose of your vehicle between the cones.  If you are getting rock, pull between the buildings and go left to the back corner after you pay.
Yes, we are happy to sell you bulk items by the bucket. We have shovels available for your use. Please bring only 5 gallon buckets as anything more than that tends to be too heavy to lift. We are happy to assist our customers with lifting buckets but we will not help lifting bins or trashcans, anything over five gallons for our safety.
There are 100 square feet, 3 inches deep, in a cubic yard.
Yes, We'd be happy to plant anything you'd like us to. Planting costs the delivery fee (different depending on where you live), and labor fee which is $69 per hour, per person.