Featured Products
River Rock Baraboo Cream Fractured 1 1/2 inch per yard
Baraboo Cream Fractured River Rock 1 1/2 inch is $93.00 a cubic yard or $3.50 a five gallon bucket.
E-Soil (50% Black Dirt & 50% Compost) per yard
Per Yard
A mix 1/2 garden compost and 1/2 topsoil. Ideal for lawns.
Info Hub

Save your Autumn Blaze Maple by Trimming
The Autumn Blaze maple tree is a hybrid species comprised of a mix of red maple and silver maple. Th

OH NO.....Japanese beetles are back!
Here are some tips to keep these beetles from defoliating your trees, shrubs, flowers and garden.Eve

So you want to plant a butterfly garden!
The question: What do I need to plant a butterfly garden?Small or large, we can do our part in attr

Ask Christen Farm Nursery: Pesticide Residue in Compost from Lawn Waste and Conventional Produce
The question: Should I be worried about residual pesticide levels in my compost I make myself or bu